Integration of maintenance, energy and risk management through an audit

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José Ulivis Espinosa Martínez
Estrella María de la Paz Martínez
Aramis Alfonso Llanes
Idalmis Acosta Pérez


There is an increasingly growing interest on companies in implementing integrated management systems based on ISO standards. The objective of this work is to propose a procedure for maintenance audits that include novel aspects to consider. That is to say, take into account the evaluation of risk in the determination of maintenance management depending on the operational context of the equipment in hotels of Cuban tourist destinations, integrating maintenance, energy and risks. For this, a bibliographic review is carried out that establishes the conceptual terms, main definitions under which it is sustained, as well as the aspects to be considered in the audit procedure to evaluate maintenance management in Cuba and specifically in hotels. The application of the procedure consisting of three stages is executed, with nine steps in total.
During the development of the work, techniques such as interviews, questionnaires, work with experts and direct observation were applied, in correspondence with the policies of the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR) and that of the Ministry of Industry (MINDUS), partially expressed in Resolutions 102 of the MINTUR: 2020 for maintenance management in tourist entities and 66 and 67 of MINDUS: 2021. As a fundamental result, the main deficiencies that influence the performance of maintenance management are detected, by integrating maintenance, energy and risks. And maintenance management is evaluated depending on the operational context of the Cuban hotels equipment.

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How to Cite
Espinosa Martínez, J. U. ., de la Paz Martínez, E. M. ., Alfonso Llanes, A. ., & Acosta Pérez , I. . (2023). Integration of maintenance, energy and risk management through an audit. Directivo Al Día, 22(1), 31–44. Retrieved from

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