Development of a pineapple-flavored carbonated beverage packaged in 330 ml polyethylene terefstalate bottles for the market in Freely Convertible Currency

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Antonio Arrechea Villacampa
Lisseth Valdés Monteagudo


The objective of this work was to make changes in the formulation of the pineapple-flavored carbonated
beverage packaged in 330 ml PET bottles to improve its acceptance and competitiveness and its
incorporation into MLC market. For this, 2 levels of acidity and levels of pineapple flavor were determined
(design 22) and the physical-mechanical characteristics of the containers were determined. Also, the raw
materials used to make the soft drinks were characterized as Chemical-physical (CO2, acidity, pH,
soluble solids), microbiological (total mesophilic count, total coliforms, filamentous fungi and yeasts) and
sensory changes were evaluated during storage at 30 ±2 ⁰C. With the results, it was concluded that the
caps evaluated have a weight of 2.37 g and a great physical integrity, the raw materials presented an
optimal physical-chemical and microbiological quality for the manufacture of carbonated soft drinks. The
most accepted formulation was 3, complying with the sensory characteristics described; the values of
acidity, soluble solids and the volume of CO2 are within the regulated parameters, in addition the count of
total mesophilic microorganisms, total coliforms, filamentous fungi and yeasts is within the limits allowed
by NC 585: 2015. During storage the soft drinks were characterized by an increase in acidity and soluble
solids as well as a decrease in pH, flavor and CO2, maintaining their characteristics for 60 days.

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How to Cite
Arrechea Villacampa, A. ., & Valdés Monteagudo, L. . (2023). Development of a pineapple-flavored carbonated beverage packaged in 330 ml polyethylene terefstalate bottles for the market in Freely Convertible Currency . Directivo Al Día, 22(2), 34–47. Retrieved from