Languages according to tourism development in Villa Clara

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Lucia Vasconcelos Alonso
Norma Melitina Nodarse González
Tania Rosado González
Katia Mayuli Alonso López


The New Policy for the teaching, learning and assessment of the English language in the context of the Central University «Marta Abreu» de Las Villas (UCLV) led teachers to study about the treatment and assessment of the different skills which provided the following problematic, currently, English language constitutes a graduation requisite; however, written expression has been one of the areas of main difficulty for students of Bachelor´s Degree in Tourism who failed to reach Level A2 in this productive skill, this reality led to the following objective, to propose a system of didactic activities to promote the development of written expression at Level A2 in 2nd year students of Bachelor´s Degree in Tourism based on the Can do Statements and the descriptors of the Framework Common European Reference (CEFR). The methodology applied assumed a quantitative approach with a pre experimental design and as results, the analysis of the data from the application of the pre-test showed the most difficult descriptors were grammar and orthography and as conclusion. After the application of the system of activities to the students of Bachelor´s Degree in Tourism of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Central University «Marta Abreu» of Las Villas, the result of the posttest demonstrated its relevance by achieving that 95% of enrollment met graduation requisite.

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