Media and information literacy strategy for the training of Villa Clara researchers

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Maritza B. González Hevia
Claudia Rodríguez Cruz


This article is based on the need to identify Media and Information Literacy competencies in different groups of professionals. Its main objective is to train researchers on scientific communication issues. A series of control questions are applied to determine the competencies of each researcher and conclusions are reached that allow the audience's competencies to be raised, taking into account their particularities. In the workshops carried out, it was found that there is a lack of skills and knowledge about working with the web. It was identified that users have problems when searching, accessing and retrieving information. Demonstrating the need to provide more media and information literacy training aimed at strengthening preparation in this regard. The need to train users from an early age was demonstrated, since their future work performance and active life on the Internet will depend largely on the development of skills and competencies in Media and Information Literacy.

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How to Cite
González Hevia, M. B., & Rodríguez Cruz, C. . (2024). Media and information literacy strategy for the training of Villa Clara researchers. Directivo Al Día, 23(2), 115–122. Retrieved from