A proposal of legal concept of enterprise in the Cuban legal sistem.

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Dargel González González


Enterprises play a crucial role in modern society by generating goods, services, employment, and wealth. As such, their establishment, operation, and dissolution carry significant legal implications. The importance of legally defining an enterprise has been a topic of extensive debate within legal doctrine, with no consensus reached. Some scholars argue that a legal definition is essential for the interpretation and application of laws, while others believe that an economic definition suffices. In the Cuban context, the variety of business forms underscores the need for a unified definition to ensure consistent regulation. This article aims to propose a legal definition of the enterprise that includes the various legal forms of economic entities in Cuba, employing legal doctrinal methods and document analysis as research approaches.

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How to Cite
González González, D. (2024). A proposal of legal concept of enterprise in the Cuban legal sistem. Directivo Al Día, 23(2), 33–47. Retrieved from https://directivoaldia.villaclara.cu/index.php/dad/article/view/213