Document management and public administration: criteria and trends

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Luis Ernesto Paz Enrique
Eduardo Alejandro Hernández Alfonso
Nadya Judafeet Jalil Vélez


In scientific production, a solid theoretical framework that guides document management in public administration is not visualized. There is a lack of clear and precise guidelines on how to organize, classify and preserve the documents generated in the exercise of public functions. The lack of adequate policies and tools for their management puts the integrity and availability of these documents at risk. This problem raises as objective of this study: to identify the criteria and trends necessary to carry out an adequate public administration from document management. The study was classified as descriptive with theoretical contribution. The results were obtained mainly through the classic documentary analysis method. The study highlights the importance of technology in document management, the relationship between transparency and citizen participation, as well as the need to be adaptive and prepared for the future in a constantly changing environment. It was concluded that the relationships between document management and public administration are fundamental from the perspective of risk management and information governance. This implies the correct organization, access, conservation, and disposition of the documents, guaranteeing their integrity and confidentiality.

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How to Cite
Paz Enrique, L. E., Hernández Alfonso, E. A. ., & Jalil Vélez, N. J. . (2023). Document management and public administration: criteria and trends. Directivo Al Día, 22(3), 27–45. Retrieved from