Analysis of hazardous substances in the bottling area of the ¨Antonio Diaz Santana¨ Brewery

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Elisabet Barreto Vázquez
Danay Rodríguez Vázquez
Dubrany Suarez Castro
Lesdier Pérez Ruiz
Jeikel I. Risquet Aguirre
Edel Pérez Pérez


The present investigation was carried out at Antonio Díaz Santana "Manacas" Brewery Company
with the objective of identifying the main contaminants and what are the dangerous substances
that are specifically handled in the bottling area of said company, in order to reduce the risks for
human being and the environment. For this purpose, the bottling process was characterized
environmentally, carrying out a critical analysis of the technology currently used, taking into
account that the most efficient and effective way to solve environmental pollution problems is
associated with prevention. Questionnaires were carried out, the classifications of dangerous
substances, the conditions that exist for their storage, handling and transportation were also
analyzed. The methodology used for this research was a literature review using sources such as books, theses, and national and international scientific journals about the danger of substances,
storage, transportation, and use of chemical products; and the pollution of waters, soils and the
atmosphere; which reaffirms the scientificity of the research. The work allowed us to determine
that given the negative environmental impacts and risks generated in said area, the necessary
mitigation measures must be prioritized there, with atmospheric and water pollution being the
most manifested. On the other hand, it was confirmed that the wastewater of said entity requires
treatment due to the high level of organic matter it has. 

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How to Cite
Barreto Vázquez, E. ., Rodríguez Vázquez, D. ., Suarez Castro, D. ., Pérez Ruiz , L. ., Risquet Aguirre, J. I. ., & Pérez Pérez, E. . (2023). Analysis of hazardous substances in the bottling area of the ¨Antonio Diaz Santana¨ Brewery. Directivo Al Día, 22(3), 18–26. Retrieved from