Characterization of the scientific potential in the province of Villa Clara

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Betsy Díaz García
Allán Aguilera Martínez


The national economic and social development plan until 2030 highlights the importance of
human potential, science, technology and innovation as the way to overcome the great challenge
of having a knowledge-based economy. The development and impact of science in society give
prestige to Cuba and contribute to the emancipation and dealienation of Cubans. Along with artistic
and literary culture, science, with its own characteristics, is a guarantor in Cuba in its principles,
ethics and ideology, only this would justify its existence. The growing economic and social impact
of the various branches of science is notorious and increasingly recognized, even becoming one
of the main exportable items. The present work was developed with the objective of improving
the work with the Scientific Potential in Villa Clara province. Starting from its characterization, and
knowing the current situation and difficulties that are faced in working with said potential.
Identifying the main aspects that affect the good development of the Scientific Potential in Villa

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How to Cite
Díaz García, B. D. G., & Aguilera Martínez, A. (2023). Characterization of the scientific potential in the province of Villa Clara. Directivo Al Día, 22(3), 1–17. Retrieved from