Foresight to improve the performance of logistics processes in asymmetric environments

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Jesús Reyes Pérez
Yoanys Treto Suarez
Grisel Gómez Rodríguez


There is more than one foreseeable future and organizations or part of them will have different evolutions,
in a determined time horizon, taking into account the interactions that it has with its endogenous and
exogenous environment. This report presents the result obtained in the design and experimental
application of an instrument to improve the performance of logistics processes in asymmetric
environments, which uses prospective methods, as a tool to recreate scenarios that help determine
logistics actions a priori. and the failures that can affect its performance, allowing the establishment of
corrective measures aimed at increasing efficiency in its mission and increasing response capacity. As a
main result, in the first instance, improvements are obtained in the decision-making process, in the
environments of prevention and preparation of disaster reduction plans, as well as the improvement of the
logistics management of the entities.

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How to Cite
Reyes Pérez, J., Treto Suarez, Y., & Gómez Rodríguez, G. (2023). Foresight to improve the performance of logistics processes in asymmetric environments. Directivo Al Día, 22(2), 1–20. Retrieved from