Interactive educational software: pillar of digital teaching for new income at CIPIMM

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Eduardo A. Mérida La O
Ingrid A. Rodríguez La O
Daniela Martín Hervé
Daili Orta Martín


The objective of this work is to implement a digital technology for learning the procedures of the UEB of Investigations of the Center of Investigations and Projects for the Metallurgical Mining Industry (CIPIMM) of Boyeros in Havana City, related to the new income to the different working groups. Today technology has invaded practically all sectors and education could not be left behind. Educational software can be used at all levels to facilitate learning and make it more effective. Thanks to digital transformation, it is possible to optimize processes, methods and strategies so that, consequently, they optimize results. All this with the collaboration of innovation and the implementation of new digital technologies. Software is a tool that helps to integrate different management areas within an educational or work center. They should be in the billing, financial, accounting and administrative area, in the communication area or customer service, or the school organization as a center, the qualification systems or the research area. For these reasons, the center in question developed a simple software where the procedures of each UEB work group are collected to provide learning support to the center new staff. 

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