Environmental Impact Evaluation at the Amaro Bottling Plant “Alberto Jauregui”

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Dayami Pérez Valdés
Andrés Emilio Cebey Cruz
Rolando García Llerena
Marylin Cruz Mena


At the Amaro Bottling Plant, the environmental aspects that, derived from its activity, have a positive or negative impact on the Environment are unknown, for these reasons it is determined to diagnose the environmental performance of the organization, determine the importance of each of the environmental impacts that are experience as a result of the entity's operations, evaluate the impact associated with environmental aspects and propose an action plan aimed at minimizing them. The work uses the environmental impact evaluation methodology “Methodological guide for the evaluation of environmental impact” proposed by (Vicente Conesa, 2000) which evaluates the impact based on its importance or significance, resulting in the most environmental factor impacted of positive magnitude is the man, since he is the one who carries out the work in the factory, having positive results for him and for the economy of the territory, on the other hand, groundwater is the environmental factor with the greatest negative impact, since it is a natural resource that, when exploited for commercialization, generates negative impacts by reducing the availability of this resource, which, although it is renewable, is critical worldwide. Likewise, the impactful actions that are positive in descending order are the generation of income, use of local labor and attention to people. Concluding that 96.1% of the impacting actions on the impacted factors are irrelevant, so the application of the action plan manages to minimize the negative impacts.

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